BigCommerce alternatives: Why WooCommerce is the Best Choice

BigCommerce alternatives: Why WooCommerce is the Best Choice

Are you planning to shift your e-commerce store from BigCommerce but not sure which platform? WooCommerce might be a great option. With the power of WordPress Plugin WooCommerce, e-commerce owners can choose from extensive customization and scalability.  migrate

The BigCommerce system is now hosting 43,993 stores. The three most popular categories of electronic commerce are clothing, household goods and cars.

This blog explores why WooCommerce might be the best choice for your e-commerce needs, detailing its advantages, capabilities, and how it compares to BigCommerce.

WooCommerce: A WordPress Plugin for E-commerce Shops

As it turns out, WooCommerce is an open-source WordPress plugin, the most popular content management system (CMS) globally.

The e-commerce industry soon adopted WooCommerce after it’s release in 2011 because of its seamless integration with WordPress.

It allows people to put online stores on their websites without much trouble at all.

Why is WooCommerce so popular?

The following features make WooCommerce extremely popular among e-commerce merchants. 

Open-source nature

You can hire a WooCommerce Development Services to tailor your store in ways that are unimaginable on BigCommerce and any other proprietary platform.

The unmatched flexibility provided by the open-source nature of WooCommerce makes it extremely popular. 

Extensive Plugins and extensions 

There are more than 50,000 plugins in the WordPress ecosystem and thousands of dedicated extensions for WooCommerce itself. 

These WordPress plugins allow you to add almost any kind of functionality imaginable – advanced SEO tools, marketing automation suites, payment gateways or shipping solutions. 

With such a vast library at your disposal, tailoring your store exactly to your needs becomes much easier without having to do too much development work.

Customizability through Themes

Whether free or premium, there are countless themes available that support WooCommerce and allow for visually stunning storefronts. 

The design possibilities are endless when choosing between pre-made designs or creating one from scratch using this plugin’s flexible technical infrastructure. You can hire WordPress Developers to create a truly unique store. 

Transparent pricing model

With a transparent pricing of WooComerce you pay only what is necessary. This allows scalability according to business growth stages. Tiered plans offered by Big Commerce may include unused or unnecessary features.

Integration with Content Seamlessly

Since WooCommerce is built on top of WordPress, it integrates smoothly with your site’s content. 

This is ideal if you already have an established website running on WP but wish to introduce online selling capabilities without switching platforms/configurations altogether. For technical support, you can hire WordPress Developers

SEO-friendliness + Blogging capabilities

WordPress has been loved for its great blogging features and SEO-friendliness, which is why WooCommerce takes advantage of these strengths. 

Hence you can write longer product descriptions or create blog posts around them thus increasing chances that they will be found through search engines.


You own everything about your store when using this WordPress plugin unlike BigCommerce which keeps customer data on their servers. 

Therefore, as e-commerce store owners in BigCommerce, you might not have complete control over how your customer data is used. 

Data Portability

The fact that WooCommerce is open-source ensures that you can export your data whenever needed. This makes switching platforms or even backing up easier since people are not tied down by proprietary formats / single vendors.


Both small firms and large enterprises can benefit from the scalability offered by this platform. 

You could start with a shared hosting account using this WordPress plugin. But as traffic increases move to dedicated server for better performance & reliability.

There is also caching plugins available such as w3 total cache plugin (which improves page load times) and content delivery networks (CDNs) like CloudFlare which help distribute resources globally while reducing latency.

Optimization for Performance

With right optimization strategies in place together with good hosting environment choice, WooCommerce stores have been known to handle high volumes of traffic and thousands or even millions of products without breaking down. 

WooCommerce Development Services can further optimize your store performance using various plugins and theme edits. 

Comparison with BigCommerce: Why is WooCommerce Might Be A Better Option?

Customization and Flexibility

BigCommerce, although it comes with many powerful built-in features; does not have as much customization flexibility compared to its counterpart WooCommerce. 

If you choose to use BigCommerce, the only available integrations and functions are those which they provide due to its proprietary nature. 

On the other hand, an open-source framework like WordPress allows limitless customizations of third-party WordPress plugins.

Ease Of Use

BigCommerce was designed with beginners in mind who may not have any technical skills whatsoever so it’s got an easy interface. But sometimes too much simplicity might not work, especially when you’re scaling up your business.  

If you’re already familiar with WordPress then I think woocommerce will be even easier for you since both systems were created by same developers i.e Automatic Inc. 

Plus, various integrations like Stripe Payment Gateway Woocommerce Plugin make integrations even easier.  

Fee Structure

The way in which fees work may become more costly for you when using BigCommerce because there’s a tiered subscription pricing model based on how much money your store earns. 

As your business grows, this can become very expensive quickly! 

The great thing about the WordPress plugin is that it lets users take control of their budget by selecting just what plugins and services they’ll need at any given time making it cheaper in the end.

SEO & Content Management

WooCommerce has a huge advantage over BigCommerce in terms of search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities because its built on top of WordPress CMS which gives it more power when optimizing your products or pages for better visibility on SERPs. 

However, BigCommerce offers basic SEO features but lacks flexibility; thus, the WordPress plugin wins hands down!

Payment Options

Both platforms support multiple payment gateways such as Paypal or Stripe. However, WooCommerce beats BigCommerce here again due to its rich plugin ecosystem thus giving users wider variety and ease of configuration.

For example, you can integrate the Stripe Payment Gateway Woocommerce Plugin to give your customers a seamless payment experience. 

Additionally, while BigCommerce may charge you transaction fees depending on your plan. WooCommerce does not have any extra charges beyond what payment processors like paypal already deduct from each sale made through their system.


BigCommerce is a powerful platform for e-commerce. But WooCommerce still remains the best choice for many businesses due to its flexibility, affordability and integration with WordPress.

Small and big enterprises can use it as there are no limits for customization and many people who use this system can give you advice on how to do it right.

With a WordPress plugin, your online store will be under your full control so that you could create an individualized e-commerce marketplace meeting all demands made by current industry conditions

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